Incoming Families
Welcome to Tech!
Brooklyn Tech is a huge, and hugely diverse, community of people dedicated to bringing to life an extraordinary
and inspired high school education for our children.
You comprise an essential component of this community – every parent/guardian of a Tech student is a member
of the PA. An important part of the Tech PA is our series of meetings that are held monthly throughout the
school year and are open to the entire parent/guardian community. Our goal for these meetings is to give parents
a window into the world our students inhabit at Tech through presentations on topics relating to academics,
social dynamics, college prep, and more. The meetings are the building blocks of an engaged parent community.
All PA meetings are the opening act for school based meetings filled with important information for families. We hope you will come to as many as possible. Bookmark our Tech PA website and visit us often as we will continually update information throughout the school year.
Click the links below for some other places chock full of important info:
Subscribe to daily email announcements from school and the PA's weekly Tech Talk
How Tech Works, Brooklyn Tech's online handbook, Brooklyn Tech's website
Read the welcome emails that Tech sent to incoming 9th graders in summer 2019 before school started. Great info on how to prepare for Tech.
Q&A from past September PA meetings -- great source of answers to new parent FAQs.
Brooklyn Tech's calendar
Overview of Yearly Events
PA Meeting dates
LOTE acceleration policy (Languages Other than English, i.e. foreign language)
For students coming from private, parochial, or out-of-state schools: If you have taken algebra or geometry, consider taking the Regents exam for that subject in June (before you start at Tech) so you are placed in the right math class in September. For more info, contact Mr. Palmer, the testing coordinator.
Brooklyn Tech Alumni Foundation
Majors overview (selections are made in spring of 10th grade, just a preview to get you thinking)
We know that all of our families are busy with the demands of everyday life, but we also know that even a small contribution of your time and energy can significantly contribute to the PA’s efforts to foster a vibrant and nurturing educational environment for our children, to assist the teachers and staff, and to sponsor and support enriching activities for our parent and guardian community.
When you engage with the Tech PA, the payoff in terms of enhancing your child’s educational experience is truly invaluable.
Any questions at all, please be in touch: