Sam Adewumi, Math
You wear several hats in the Tech community. One is as Assistant Coach of the Tech football team. Can you give us
a brief preview of your expectations for the fall season, and tell us what is happening with Tech's football field?
This will be a season of growth for both our Varsity and JV. Our varsity is talented but young. We have about 8
sophomores at that level, with some on the starting line-up. The quicker they can make the adjustment to the speed
and skills required at the varsity level the sooner we will be able to compete effectively. The upper classman have
provided a solid foundation and I expect the team to gel nicely. The JV is doing a great job of learning the fundamentals
of the game. Many of our players have never played before so we truly start from scratch. We expect a good season but also
a very challenging one.
Another role you play is right out of Tech's STEM core - you teach Math.
I actually also teach in the engineering department, where I teach Digital Electronics, a college level pre-engineering course. I enjoy teaching this course because it engages students in several domains. Lectures, activities, projects, presentations and formal assessments are all part of the teaching and learning cycle. It takes learning beyond the traditional chalk and talk into a whole process of learning by experimentation, inquiry and trial and error.
How hard is it for student athletes to perform well in both spheres?
Student athletes are called upon to exercise a level of discipline and maturity that other students may not have to contend with. As coaches and teachers, we support them as much as possible but we do strive to build within each student-athlete a sense of personal responsibility, accountability and desire to achieve at a high level in all capacities, sport, academics and otherwise.
What do you like best about Brooklyn Tech, and what do you see as the school's most difficult challenge?
I love this school. I graduated from this school back in the 80's and I am able to do much that I do today from the lessons I learned and foundations I developed here at Tech. 30 years later it is still serving that mission for a new generation of students. Tech's challenges are the challenges of the era we find ourselves in, technology, social media, social issues, etc. I believe that the Tech community is doing its job to overcome these hurdles and prepare our children for the future.
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Aside from coaching football and teaching math and DE at Tech, Mr. Adewumi runs a test prep program in the Bronx to help underrepresented kids prepare for the SHSAT. CLICK HERE to read more.