School Lunch Forms
Link to fill out the form:
Even though all students now receive free breakfast and lunch every school day, it is still important to please complete the school lunch form. It’s quick.
Even if you don’t think your family met the old requirements for free lunch, please still complete the school lunch form. You can quickly and easily opt out, without providing any financial information.
Why are we still filling out lunch forms when lunch is free for everyone???
Good question! The Board of Ed uses the school lunch form to gather data on the financial situation of school families. Even though all lunch is now free, the Board of Ed still wants to have this data, as it helps drive allocation of school funding. To have accurate data, the Board of Ed needs full participation by nearly all families.
To compel participation, the Board of Ed is withholding some funding from schools (including Tech) until nearly 100% of families have filled out lunch forms. So, Tech needs nearly 100% of families to fill out their forms to receive funding from the Board of Ed. The deadline for participation has been extended. But in the meantime, Tech isn't getting funding it needs.
To encourage families to participate, Tech won't give extracurricular credit to students whose families haven't completed the form. School administrators will also start calling families who haven't submitted forms. Administrators' time would be better spent working with students, so please help by completing the school lunch form now.
Tech also uses lunch form information to determine eligibility for fee waivers for standardized tests and college applications.
Link to fill out the form: