The most important website or app that a Tech parent should use is PupilPath (also called Skedula -- same product).
PupilPath is awesome because:
It shows the grades your student has received on tests, homeworks, and other assignments as well as class attendance.
It shows future assignments with due dates.
School uses it to send important messages.
It is easy to use (the interface is a little clunky, but it works).
All students have access to PupilPath and many check it multiple times per day. And most teachers post grades on tests and homework to PupilPath regularly. (Teachers often call it Skedula, because they access the app through a portal called Skedula.)
Parents have their own access to PupilPath, through both a website and an iPhone or Android app!
This email from school contains instructions for accessing the PupilPath website or app. Only new parents need to register. 10th-12th grade parents who already registered in past years do not need to register again.
For new parents (or parents who never registered before): your student will have received the registration code you need in his or her Tech email at the beginning of the school year. If you have difficulty finding that code, please contact Mr. Edwards at medwards@bths.edu for a registration code