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Participate & Stay Involved
While so many parents step back during the high school years, this is such an important time stay involved. There are a variety of ways to help out and participate!
Click here for monthly PA meeting dates and topics. Meetings are generally held the second Thursday of every month at 6:30pm in the auditorium, with speakers on topics ranging from Tech basics, college timelines, financial aid, major selection and more.
Click here to find out about running for a position on the Executive Board or the SLT. Elections for all positions except Freshman reps take place in the spring. Freshman reps (5) are nominated at the September meeting with elections for those in October. Executive board meetings immediately precede general PTA meetings, to find out about volunteer opportunities. There are both short and long term opportunities which are great ways to be in the building, to get to know the administration, and to help out, for more information about joining a committee. Standing committees at Tech include:

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