Parent Workshops 布碌仑科技高中讲座:父母研讨会
Saturday, Feb. 3 2月3日,星期六
Parents may attend up to three different sessions from those listed below.
There is only one workshop offered in the first time slot (9-10am): Teens & Technology: How to Manage Tech Time at Home
There are multiple workshops offering the second and third time slots (10:15-11:15am and 11:30am -12:30pm).
All sessions are conducted in English, except for two sessions offered by Mandarin-speaking (普通话) presenters. There will not be interpreters at the English sessions.
8:15 Doors open; continental breakfast available 早上8:15开门,提供简单的早餐和咖啡
9:00-10:00am Session 1 第一场时间 早上 9:00-10:00
10:15-11:15am Session 2 第二场时间 早上 10:15-11:15
11:30am - 12:30pm Session 3 第三场时间 早上 11:30-12:30
Note there are 3 tabs on the sign-up page -- 1 tab for each session.
Workshops Available in Each Session: 每一场讲座提供的时间
Workshop Descriptions:
Teens & Technology: How to Manage Tech Time at Home
Sean Grover, LCSW
Technology without supervision is not healthy for any young person. Like any addiction, as dependency increases, personal functioning decreases. Kids become more impulsive, moody, or suffer sleep disorders. As hunger for more tech time grows, clashes with parents increase. Setting limits on unhealthy behaviors is a crucial part of good parenting.
Sean Grover's parenting workshops have been helping caregivers fend off nervous breakdowns for over 20 years. Sean delivers an inspiring message to parents, always infused with wisdom, humor and common sense.
His parenting advice has appeared in The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, The Economist, and others, as well as on his popular Psychology Today blog, which has surpassed one million readers. A TODAY SHOW guest and frequent guest on radio shows and podcasts, Sean always impart courage and hope.
Financial Aid Offers from Colleges: How to assess offers and determine whether you should appeal for additional aid
Sandy Jimenez, Options Center, College Access Counselor
Financial aid award letters from colleges are notoriously hard to decipher. Learn how to analyze financial offers from colleges and to compare and contrast different schools’ offers. Topics will include options for closing gaps in financial aid and how to appeal to a college for a better package.
College Essays and Interviews: How to Help Teens Share their Best, Authentic Selves
Cassie Magesis, President, New York Association for College Admission Counseling
Learn about what colleges are looking for--and what they’re not--in college essays and interviews. The session will help parents understand how they can help their teen can use their parts of the college application to shine.
Building a Balanced College List
Chano LaBoy, College Bound Director, Chess in the Schools
This workshops will cover the fundamentals of strategic college list: assessing the difficulty level of prospective colleges, determining features of a college that are “nice” vs “necessary,” and determining affordability. The workshop will also consider some good ways to assist a young person in creating a college list without controlling the process.
College Financing
Kal Chany, Founder, Campus Consultants,
Kalman A. Chany, nationally recognized college financing expert and author, will be presenting an overview of financial aid and other college funding options. The impact of the recent tax law changes on educational financing will also be covered. Because early planning is often the key to maximizing aid opportunities and reducing college costs, this workshop is best suited for parents of 9th to 11th graders.
Q & A with College Admissions Representatives: Tips for parents from colleges admissions staff: the dos and don'ts of the application process
Panel of college representatives, hosted by Rachel Coates, Educoates,
The college search and admission process is a life-changing event for your child and often for the whole family. Parent involvement is essential. But what is your role as parent and what is solely your child's responsibility? How can you work successfully with your child for an outcome that makes you both happy?
Come and hear from the experts, the colleges themselves. College admissions representatives share their wisdom and tips for parents on what to do and what not to do. These are the people at colleges that read the applications submitted by Brooklyn Tech students. The panel is drawn from a cross-section of institutions: SUNY, private colleges and out-of-state public universities.
Rachel Coates, an independent college admissions consultant, will moderate the panel.
Supporting your Child of Color at Tech
Panel of Tech students and alumni, moderated by Tech Parent, Ann Andrew
My kid got into Brooklyn Tech! Most parents think, “They’ve made it.” But the truth is, your child needs you more than ever. Our panel will discuss ways we can support children of color at this wonderful institution. Join us as we collaborate to improve parent engagement for black, LatinX and South East Asian families.
The Craft of the College Essay: Strategies and Tips on Writing the College App Essay.
Jonathan Shapiro,
Participants will learn effective writing strategies and read successful models for writing the personal narrative, which is very different than the academic analysis and argument most high school students are trained in. Particularly, language choices are very different, as is the role of tone, and organization. Also, the college application essay asks people to share, to delve into themselves, and some students struggle with this inner journey. Awareness of all of the above can help the student and parent find the process more rewarding than stressful, which is the goal.
SAT, ACT, or Both?
Princeton Review,
Description: Join the Princeton Review for an in-depth look at the similarities and differences between the SAT and ACT! Learn how these exams fit into your student’s college admissions journey and find out what you need to know to help your student determine if they should take the SAT, ACT, or both.
Growth Mindset Potential
Kate Sweeney, Revolution Prep,
How your child thinks about their own potential to grow has massive implications for future success. Dr. Carol Dweck, author of Mindset, has conducted extensive research that reveals the power of a growth mindset, the belief that through continued effort and action you can continue to improve in any area—that even your intelligence can constantly improve! At Revolution Prep, our tutors are trained in Growth Mindset. Join Kate Sweeney, Director of School Partnerships and 17 year veteran of the Test Prep and Tutoring Industry as she discusses ways you can incorporate Growth Mindset into your child’s learning style.
如何申请奖学金 Strategies to Apply for Financial Aid for College
Qing James
申请到心中理想的大学是每个学子的梦想,但高昂的学费却是让父母伤透脑筋,到底要如何来准备及面对每年高涨的大学学费?大学助学金或是贷款如何申请?每个学生都有资格去申请 吗? EFC、AGl或是出租房子的收入会不会影响到子女奖学金的申请?利用房屋净值贷款或利率低的重新贷款是支付大学费用适当选项吗?不管是公立或是私立学校,怎样可以拿到最多的大学 助学金?如何申请? Need Based和Merit Based 的奖助学金又什么不同之处?用退休帐户来支付子女的大学费用是良策吗?联邦可以申请的奖助学金FAFSA要多早开始准备申请?为能达到比较有利FAFSA申请,在开始将资产挪移前;您必需了解什么是属于Countable 资产。助学补助金的多寡,取决于EFC的计算?如何降低EFC就是重!部分学校只采用标准FAFSA表格;有些私立学校有自己申请方式。或许在FASFSA外有可能用CSS/Financial Aid Profile,也有可能把家庭净值或家长开何种车列入考虑。家中资产多寡及收入高低会对于这样的申请造成任何的冲击吗?有其他方式可以参考吗?家长及子女的资产计算方式又为何?如果有了529或Coverdell帐户是否不利于奖助学金的申请?
了解大学的奖学金 Understanding College Scholarships (一场而已: 11:30-12:30 session only)
Emma Zhang, Heartland Institute of Financial Education
Naviance Office Hours
9:30 - 1:00am
A member of the College Office Team will be available to assist families with signing up for Naviance in room 5E9. Naviance is the website that the College Office and all Tech students use to navigate the college application process. See the PA's Unofficial Guide to Naviance.
Please sign up for only one workshop per session. 请毎一场只登记一种讲座
Note there are 3 tabs on the sign-up page -- 1 tab for each session.