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The BTHS PA is getting ready for our annual Lunar New Year Celebration!
Lunar New Year 2021 BTHS.JPG2.JPG

Lunar New Year Mega Raffle


Click here to buy your tickets for a chance to win $2,500!

点击此处购买抽奖券,就有机会赢取$ 2,500!


The Brooklyn Tech PA is proud to host the 4th Annual Lunar New Year Celebration on Friday, February 5th, 2021 and this year we are adding a Mega Raffle. We will be limiting sales to only 500 tickets at $20 each.  Each ticket will give you a 1 in 500 chance to win the following prizes:




Grand Prize- $2,500 特等奖

2nd Prize - $1,000 二等奖

3rd Prize - $500 三等奖

4th Prize - $100 四等奖

5th Prize - $50 (We will select 4 winners for this prize) 五等奖共4个


Winners will be selected live during our Lunar New Year Celebration 

on our YouTube Channel.




All proceeds from the raffle will go to the Brooklyn Tech PA.




You do not need to be present to win and the raffle is open to all. Please feel free to share this raffle link with friends and family. Thank you for supporting the Brooklyn Tech PA!




抽奖链接 Raffle Link:


节目频道 Remote Celebration Link:

Brooklyn Technical High School • 29 Fort Greene Place, Brooklyn, NY 11217 • Phone: (718) 804–6400 • Parent & Student Engagement Office: (718) 804-6442

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