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Junior College Info Night

There was a huge turnout of students and parents for the Junior College Info Night.  Applying to college is a lot of work, work, work, but starting early makes it easier.


The College Office provided tons of information and also gave some homework:  steps that every junior should take this spring and summer to be prepared for applications in the fall.


1.  Please review the presentations on the College Office homepage.  (Scroll to the bottom and look for the "Junior Night Checklist" and "Junior Night Presentation.")  The presentations describe some tasks for 11th graders to complete in the coming weeks and months.

9th and 10th grade families might want to review this information as well to get an idea of what's coming up.


2.  Please consider signing up for small group information sessions:

  • 11th Grade Student College Advisory Meetings

    Students meet with their college advisors to discuss planning for 12th grade and college applications.  These meetings are not for reviewing college lists, but for providing additional information on how to get ready for 12th grade.  Register

  • 11th Grade Parent College Advisory Meetings

    Similar to the student meetings described immediately above, but for parents.  Register

  • The College Office is hosting a College Essay Writing workshop for students after school on Thu, Apr 19.  Register

3.  Remind your 11th grader to check email regularly, both the account and Naviance account.  Maybe kids should set a weekly reminder on their phones to check Naviance email.  Parents can also learn how to use Naviance and receive relevant email.  Naviance walk-through and sign-up instructions

4.  Read The College Corner, the College Office's newsletter about the college process, including deadline and opportunities.

5.  Start checking out scholarships.  Ms. Lucisano, the new scholarship coordinator (also of AP US History fame), has just published the February edition of the Junior Scholarship Newsletter.  The newsletter lists several scholarships, as well as good websites where students can search for more scholarships.  Also check out the College Office's Scholarships page.  Questions?  Please see Ms. Lucisano in the College Office, room 5E9.

Brooklyn Technical High School • 29 Fort Greene Place, Brooklyn, NY 11217 • Phone: (718) 804–6400 • Parent & Student Engagement Office: (718) 804-6442

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