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Spring Election Recaps


May 19th PA Meeting Minutes


The meeting minutes have been uploaded to the PA website, which can be accessed here. For those who missed the meeting, the recording can also be accessed on the Brooklyn Tech YouTube channel.


BTHS PA Executive Board Members

(Newly elected)

(07/01/2022 - 06/30/2023)

  • Presidents: Hamilton Cain & Mia Lu

  • Recording Secretaries: Vito LaBella & Chris Zhang

  • Corresponding Secretary: Michael Reyes

  • Treasure: Ellen Goldstein

  • Assistant Treasurer: Li Li

  • Vice President of Fundraising: Samantha Abeysekera

  • Vice Presidents of Communications: Rachel Hall Danes & Lisa Marsh

  • Vice Presidents of Events and Volunteers: Xiaohua Hu (Sarah) & Xiu Min Wang (Annie)

  • Vice Presidents of Diversity and Community Engagement: Kim Jalet & Sharon Mei

  • Senior Vice Presidents: Patricia Correge & Susan Small

  • Junior Vice Presidents: Shanny Bang & Michelle Cheung

  • Sophomore Vice Presidents: Elton Dodson & Felix Lempert

 School Leadership Team Parent Representatives (Newly elected)

(07/01/2022 - 06/30/2024)


  • Jennifer Bernstein

  • Jane Cheung

  • Xiaohua Hu (Sarah)

  • Vito Labella

  • Kathy Lee







Date of Notification: Friday, April 8, 2022


Meeting Date: Thursday, May 19, 2022 


Time: 6:30 PM (ET)


Location:  Virtual Meeting


Web conferencing link and voting instructions will be provided closer to the meeting date. 


Qualifications:  Candidates must be a parent or guardian of a student registered and attending Brooklyn Technical High School. For other qualifications, refer to Bylaws


Nominations: Nominations of candidates will be accepted now through to May 13, 2022 at 11:59 PM by signing up here. No nominations will be taken from the floor at the Spring Election Meeting. Co-officers must run together as a slate in order to serve together. 


Term: The Parent Association (PA) term of office shall be no more than twelve (12) months beginning July 1 and ending June 30 of the following year.


Voting: The qualification for voting is that you must be a parent or guardian of a current Brooklyn Technical High School student. Each parent or guardian is entitled to one vote.


Available Parent Association (PA)Positions: 

The PA positions available appear below. Candidates cannot run for more than one PA position, but can run for one PA position and one SLT position at the same time.


1.    President or Co-Presidents - up to 2 seats

2.    Recording Secretary or Co-Recording Secretaries - up to 2 seats

3.    Corresponding Secretary or Co-Corresponding Secretaries - up to 2 seats

4.    Treasurer - 1 seat

5.    Assistant Treasurer - 1 seat

6.    Vice President or Co-VPs of Fundraising - up to 2 seats

7.    Vice President or Co-VPs of Communications - up to 2 seats

8.    Vice President or Co-VPs of Events and Volunteers - up to 2 seats

9.    Vice President or Co-VPs of Diversity and Community Engagement - up to 2 seats

10. Senior Vice President or Co-VPs - up to 2 seats

11. Junior Vice President or Co-VPs - up to 2 seats

12. Sophomore Vice President or Co-VPs - up to 2 seats


Available School Leadership Team (SLT) Positions:

There are up to 5 seats available on the SLT. The SLT positions are not PA Executive Board positions. The SLT term of office shall be no more than two (2) years beginning July 1.

SLT Bylaws and more info can be found here.


1.    School Leadership Team Parent Representatives - Up to 5 seats





通知日期:2022 年 4 月 8 日,星期五


会议日期:2022 年 5 月 19 日,星期四


时间:下午 6:30(东部时间)






资格:候选人必须是注册并就读布鲁克林科技高中的学生的父母或监护人。 有关其他资格,请参阅章程


提名: 候选人的提名将从现在开始至 2022 年 5 月 13 日晚上 11:59 截止,请在此处注册报名。在选举会议上不接受现场提名。竞选联合席位的两名候选人必须联手一起竞选。


任期:从 7 月 1 日开始,到次年6 月 30 日结束,任期不得超过十二 (12) 个月。


投票:投票的资格是您必须是布鲁克林科技高中当前学生的父母或监护人。 每位家长或监护人都有权投一票。



PA空缺职位如下。候选人不能竞选多个 PA 职位,但可以同时竞选 一个PA 职位和一个 SLT 职位。


  1. 主席或联合主席 - 最多 2 个席位

  2. 记录秘书或联合秘书 - 最多 2 个席位

  3. 通讯秘书或联合秘书 - 最多2个席位

  4. 财务 - 1 个席位

  5. 助理财务 - 1 个席位

  6. 筹款副主席或联合副主席 - 最多 2 个席位

  7. 通讯副主席或联合副主席 - 最多 2 个席位

  8. 活动和志愿者副主席或联合副主席 - 最多 2 个席位

  9. 多元化和社区参与副主席或联合副主席 - 最多 2 个席位

  10. 12年级副主席或联合副主席 - 最多 2 个席位

  11. 11年级副主席或联合副主席 - 最多 2 个席位

  12. 10年级副主席或联合副主席 - 最多 2 个席位



SLT 有5个空缺席位。SLT职位不是PA执行委员会职位。任期为两年,从 7 月 1 日开始。SLT章程和更多信息可以在此获取。


  1. 学校领导小组家长代表 - 最多 5 个席位

Notice End

If you have any questions, please email the PA:

Board members are expected to attend monthly PA Executive Board meetings. All Executive Board members are also expected to participate on a committee and volunteer for school based events.  


All Executive Board positions are one-year terms.  SLT positions are two-year terms.

Summary descriptions of each position are below.   See full descriptions here.




  • Preside over meetings

  • Represent the Executive Board

  • Meet regularly with Principal and AP of Parent Engagement

  • Coordinate just about everything the PA does

  • Encourage other Executive Board members to take on responsibilities

  • This position requires a significant time commitment, probably 10+ hours per week, and strong leadership skills.


Recording Secretary / Co-Recording Secretaries

  • Takes minutes of meetings

  • Maintains PA records

  • Requires attendance at all meetings, strong organizational skills



  • Accountant and bookkeeper for the PA.  Tracks incomes and expenditures

  • Must be extremely detail-oriented

  • Time commitment of several hours per week

  • Very helpful to have an accounting background


Assistant Treasurer

  • Assists the Treasurer.  Good training to be a future Treasurer


Corresponding Secretary / Co-Corresponding Secretaries

  • Reviews, maintains, and responds to all correspondence addressed to the PA

Vice President or Co-Vice Presidents of Communications

  • Write the weekly TechTalk email for Sunday delivery to Tech Families

  • Manage the PA website and other social media accounts.

  • Significant time commitment as PA events are communicated throughout the month; 10+ hours/ month; weekends

Vice President or Co-Vice Presidents of Fundraising

  • Plan and manage fundraising activities, such as the auction and gala

  • Requires a significant time commitment in the weeks or months proceeding the events


Vice President or Co-Vice Presidents of Events and Volunteers

  • Organize events such as the parent workshops, teacher appreciation activities, orientation nights and college fairs

  • Lead point person for other parent volunteers

  • Requires a significant time commitment for several weekends and evenings in preparation to events

Vice President or Co-Vice Presidents of Diversity and Community Engagement

  • Promote understanding and inclusiveness in our very diverse community. 

  • Organize events such as Dinner and a Movie Night, the Lunar New Year Celebration and the Social Justice/ Racial Equity Book Study Club

  • Come up with new events or projects to make our community more welcoming. 

Senior Vice President, Junior Vice President, Sophomore Vice Presidents, 9th Grade (Freshman) Representatives at Large

  • Represent the interests of parents of specific grades

  • Pitch in here and there, this and that, as needed

  • Most flexible time commitment


School Leadership Team Parent Representatives (not a PA Executive Board position)

  • Evaluate and assess the school's educational policies and outcomes

  • Attend monthly meeting



Brooklyn Technical High School • 29 Fort Greene Place, Brooklyn, NY 11217 • Phone: (718) 804–6400 • Parent & Student Engagement Office: (718) 804-6442

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